Can HRT patches make you feel worse?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patches, which contain estrogen and/or progesterone, can provide relief from menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes for some women. However, HRT patches may cause side effects in some users that can make them feel worse temporarily before they adjust or require a change in their HRT regimen.
Common side effects of HRT patches
- Irritation, redness, itching at the application site
- Breast tenderness or swelling
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Fluid retention or bloating
- Mood changes like depression or increased irritability

For most women, these side effects are mild and often subside within a few months as their bodies adjust to the new hormone levels. However, some effects may persist or even worsen over time for a small percentage of users.

Reasons HRT patches may make you feel worse:

If an HRT patch makes you feel worse or side effects do not subside within 3 months, contact your doctor. Other treatment options include:

When HRT patches may require discontinuation

In some cases, HRT patch side effects can be debilitating for a woman and necessitate discontinuation. This includes:

Your doctor can help determine if discontinuation is necessary based on your health history and severity of side effects. They may first try switching delivery methods or adjusting dosages before recommending HRT withdrawal.

Alternatives to HRT for menopause

If you cannot tolerate HRT patches and still need relief from disruptive menopausal symptoms, some options to consider include:

Every woman responds differently to menopausal treatments. Being attentive to your body's reactions and communicating with your doctor can help optimize your regimen for symptom relief. Consider getting a second opinion if your current treatment is not helping.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, our practitioners have over 20 years experience helping women manage menopause safely and effectively. We offer personalized care including HRT patches, creams, pills and more to reduce your symptoms while monitoring for side effects. Contact us today for a free 15 minute consultation!

Contact your doctor if experiencing HRT patch side effects.

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