Bolstered immunity

What is bolstered immunity? In short, it's about strengthening your body's immune system to better defend against illnesses and infections. A robust immune system can help ward off common bugs like colds and flu, as well as more serious conditions.
There are a few key ways to give your immunity a helpful boost:

Now let's go into more detail on the mechanisms behind an empowered immune response:

How does the immune system work?

The immune system is an intricate network of organs, cells and proteins that protects us. Key components include:

When a pathogen breaches the body's external barriers, this multilayered defense system springs into action...

The rest of the immune response unfolds through a coordinated cascade of...

This sequence generates inflammation and symptoms, but is necessary to eradicate the trigger. Once eliminated, inflammation resolves and health is restored.

In summary, supporting each aspect of this intricate immunologic web is key for reinforced immunity against illness and infection. Core pillars are nutrition, stress management, targeted supplementation and hormonal balance. Balance Hormone Clinic provides expert bioidentical hormone treatments to help optimize foundational hormone levels linked to immune health. Consult with one of our specialists to see if our therapies are right for your needs!

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