Decreased muscle mass

Decreased muscle mass, known medically as sarcopenia, is a common condition characterized by a loss of skeletal muscle tissue, leading to less strength, mobility, and overall function. As we age, most adults lose some muscle mass due to changes in hormone levels and decreased physical activity. While some muscle loss is normal, more significant decreases can negatively impact health and quality of life.
What causes decreased muscle mass?

There are several key factors that contribute to reductions in lean muscle tissue:

What are the consequences of decreased muscle mass?

If left unchecked, dwindling muscular fitness can:

Can you regain lost muscle mass?

The good news is that proper lifestyle measures can help rebuild and maintain your body's muscle, even into old age:

With a sound nutrition and exercise plan, plus optimizing hormones, you can maintain and even increase muscle as you get older. Don't accept losing strength or mobility as inevitable - take control of your fitness today!

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