Disease resistance

What is disease resistance?

Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant or animal to avoid getting infected or limit the development of pathogens that cause disease. There are several types of disease resistance:

Plants have various complex physical and biochemical mechanisms to resist disease:

Breeding disease-resistant crop varieties is crucial for sustainable agriculture. However, pathogens can adapt and overcome resistance. Therefore, deploying multilines, cultivar mixtures, and rotation of different resistance genes helps achieve more durable resistance. Integrating resistance breeding with management of soil health, crop nutrition, and cultural practices further bolsters plant defenses.

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I hope this gives you a good overview of what disease resistance entails in plants and animals. The key is having robust barriers and responses to impede pathogens, through genetic and management means. For humans, sometimes we need a little extra help - like optimized hormones and nutrition - to stay strong and resilient as well! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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