
Estradiol is one of the most important sex hormones in women. It plays a vital role in the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics.
What Exactly is Estradiol?

In simple terms, estradiol is an estrogen steroid hormone. It is the predominant form of estrogen found in women during their reproductive years. Estradiol is produced mainly by the ovaries and also in smaller amounts by other tissues like fat and bone cells.

What Does Estradiol Do?

Estradiol has widespread effects on the female body. Here are some of its major functions:

Clearly, having balanced estradiol levels is crucial for women's health. At Balance Hormone Clinic, our experts can assess your hormone profile and customize natural bioidentical hormone therapy to optimize your estradiol and other hormones. This improves quality of life and slows aging.

What Causes High or Low Estradiol?

Estradiol levels vary naturally during the menstrual cycle - they peak just before ovulation. Prolonged hormone imbalances can occur due to:

Abnormal estradiol levels cause issues like infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), abnormal uterine bleeding, etc. Our physicians at Balance Hormone Clinic offer cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment options for hormonal disorders. We also provide telehealth services for your convenience.

In Conclusion

Estradiol is the vital female sex hormone that regulates menstruation, fertility, bone strength, and more in women. Getting your estradiol levels tested can uncover hormone imbalances behind many women's health conditions. If you're experiencing menstrual issues, hot flashes, low libido or other unexplained symptoms, consult your OBGYN or endocrinologist. Consider getting a comprehensive hormone panel test. If needed, bioidentical hormone replacement customized to your hormonal status can alleviate symptoms and improve wellbeing.

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