
Fatigue is a nearly universal human experience characterized by extreme tiredness, lack of energy, and feeling of exhaustion. We all get fatigued from time to time, but when it becomes chronic or severely impacts daily life, it may signal an underlying health condition.
The most common causes of fatigue include:

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is fatigue lasting over 6 months not relieved by sleep/rest. Additional CFS red flags:

Though the exact cause isn't known, CFS may relate to prior viral infections, immune dysfunction, nervous system abnormalities. Lifestyle adjustments and medications provide some CFS relief:

Bottom line: While occasional fatigue is normal, ongoing exhaustion merits medical evaluation. Reach out to your doctor, or the endocrinology pros at Balance Hormone Clinic, to uncover any issues sapping your get-up-and-go. With treatment tailored to your personal biochemistry, you'll be rested, restored and rarin' to go!

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