
Irritability is defined as an abnormal or excessive sensitivity of mood that is easily excited by external stimuli. It refers to a low threshold for frustration, anger, annoyance, and impulsive reaction in response to stimuli.
Some key signs and symptoms of irritability include:

Irritability differs from typical anger or frustration by being:

Common causes of irritability include:

For many people, irritability comes and goes periodically. "Why am I so irritable lately?" But if it persists daily over an extended time, it can negatively impact relationships and quality of life.

"A constantly irritable person is constantly miserable," says an old idiom.

If ongoing irritability is diminishing your capacity to relate with others and appreciate life, see your doctor or mental health professional. They can check for underlying physical or mental health causes that may benefit from treatment.

Balance Hormone Clinic specializes in using bioidentical hormone therapy to alleviate abnormal irritability related to hormonal causes like perimenopause, adrenal imbalance, andropause/low testosterone in men, and other endocrine disorders. We offer cutting-edge hormone testing and personalized treatment plans involving hormones like progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, and others custom-formulated in our compounding lab.

Our patients often report substantial improvements in mood stability, emotional resilience, and quality of life. "I feel like myself again thanks to my hormone therapy," says Balance Hormone Clinic patient Jenny L.

So if hormones may be contributing to your ongoing irritability struggles, contact Balance Hormone Clinic today for a consultation. Our compassionate practitioners can help identify the root hormonal causes and get you on the path to balanced wellbeing.

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