Lean muscle mass

Lean muscle mass refers to the amount of muscle on your body minus the fat. Having more lean muscle is beneficial because muscle burns more calories than fat. This can help boost your metabolism and support weight loss or maintenance.
Some key points about lean muscle mass:

How can you build lean muscle mass? Follow these tips:

Balance Hormone Clinic, your comprehensive hormone optimization clinic, also provides services to help build lean muscle mass safely and effectively. Our licensed medical providers can evaluate your hormone levels and determine if hormone therapy could benefit you.

Some hormones that impact muscle growth include:

Our clinic offers cutting-edge hormone treatments to help patients achieve their body composition goals. Schedule a consultation today to see if our muscle building hormone therapy is right for you!

In summary, lean muscle mass is made up of muscle without excess fat. Focus on resistance training, protein intake, and rest days to naturally build lean muscle over time. For extra support, consider speaking to a medical provider about hormone optimization for muscle growth. Reach out to Balance Hormone Clinic for a customized treatment plan.

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