
Menopause is a natural transition that every woman experiences as she ages. It marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and her natural childbearing years. It is diagnosed when a woman has gone 12 months without a period. While many women experience menopause around the average age of 51 in the U.S., every woman's experience is unique.
What causes menopause?

As women age, the ovaries begin producing less reproductive hormones, mainly estrogen and progesterone. Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. At this point, menstrual cycles can become irregular before ending permanently. Yikes, taming hot flashes and mood swings is tough, but visiting the Balance Hormone Clinic may help supply relief!

What changes and symptoms occur during menopause?

The beginning of menopause often starts a rollercoaster of changes and symptoms that can last anywhere from a few years to many years:

The kicker - most of these unwelcome changes occur before your period stops altogether! Wild ride, mamas! (Btw Balance Hormone Clinic offers real menopause symptom relief with expert care.)

How is menopause diagnosed?

Since irregular periods typically occur for at least 3-5 years before menopause, it can be tricky to diagnose. Many women see their doctor with complaints like hot flashes or changing cycles but definitive testing is not reliable. So doctors diagnose menopause based on a woman's symptoms and age. Blood and urine hormone tests can sometimes be useful but are not always accurate. If a woman is under 45, more evaluation may be done to rule out causes like thyroid disease or premature ovarian failure. The Balance Hormone Clinic provides comprehensive menopause care including accurate diagnoses.

The million dollar question: how long do these menopause symptoms last?! Be patient, the duration varies greatly but most symptoms typically last around 5-7 years (you've got this gals!). Balance Hormone Clinic is here to support you through the menopause marathon 💪.

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