Testosterone cypionate

Testosterone cypionate is an injectable form of the primary male sex hormone, testosterone. It is often prescribed to treat low testosterone levels in men.
Some key points about testosterone cypionate:

Why take testosterone cypionate?

There are several reasons a doctor may prescribe this drug:

So in short, testosterone cypionate is used to bring testosterone levels back to an adequate range when the body cannot produce enough testosterone on its own.

Some key benefits include:

"After starting testosterone therapy at Balance Hormone Clinic, my energy came back and I felt like myself again."

If you're struggling with symptoms of low testosterone, contact Balance Hormone Clinic to see if testosterone cypionate could help. Our highly-trained medical team specializes in testosterone replacement therapy for men. We provide customized treatment plans to help you feel healthy, energetic and confident again.

Schedule a consultation today to get started on the path towards better health and wellbeing. We accept most major insurance plans.

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