Unexplained loss of muscle mass

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, also known as atrophy, can be worrying and frustrating. As we age, some amount of muscle loss is normal, but sudden or abnormal wasting can indicate an underlying health condition.

What Causes Unexplained Muscle Loss?

There are several potential causes of abnormal muscle wasting:

If you're experiencing progressive, widespread muscle weakness and shrinkage, it's important to meet with your doctor to determine the root cause. Blood tests can check for nutritional deficiencies, signs of inflammation or infection, nerve and tissue disorders, and hormone abnormalities.

Regaining Lost Muscle Mass

Treatment will depend on the underlying trigger for your muscle loss:

Regardless of the cause, strength training with resistance bands, weights or calisthenics is vital for regaining lost muscle. Even while addressing underlying issues, properly stressing your musculoskeletal system will spur rebuilding and reinnervation of damaged fibers.

Don't resign yourself to wasting away - take control of your health with thorough diagnostics and targeted restorative treatments. With some diligent work, it's often possible to achieve a vibrant revival of muscle mass and function.

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