What causes menopause in your 20's?

Premature menopause, also known as primary ovarian insufficiency or primary ovarian failure, refers to menopause that occurs before the age of 40. Some key causes include:
Genetic factors
- Family history of early menopause
- Chromosomal abnormalities like Turner syndrome and Fragile X syndrome
- Autoimmune diseases that can damage ovaries

Medical interventions
- Cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery that can damage ovaries
- Oophorectomy (surgical removal of ovaries)

Autoimmune disorders
- When the immune system attacks ovaries, leading to low estrogen

- Viral infections like mumps that can damage ovaries

Toxic damage to ovaries
- From smoking, alcohol use, environmental toxins

Unknown causes
- Idiopathic premature ovarian failure (no identifiable cause)


Women with premature menopause typically experience common menopausal symptoms earlier, like:

But they also face some unique challenges:



The goals are to:

  1. Treat underlying causes if possible

  2. Relieve symptoms

  3. Possibly regain some ovarian function

Long term health risks

Women with premature menopause face higher risks of:

So continued follow-up care is crucial.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we specialize in treating women with premature ovarian failure (POF) and early menopause. Our comprehensive care includes:

We strive to help women navigate premature menopause and improve quality of life through every stage. Our team includes highly trained endocrinologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, counselors and specialized nurses.

Contact us today for a consultation. Reclaim your health and thriving life despite early menopause. We are here to support you each step of the way.

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